Ode to Teachers

We honour another class of “essential” workers during COVID: teachers.

“What I’d really love parents to know is that most of us, we’re invested in your children. This is such an important job because you’re developing human beings. We’re here to develop the most important thing in your life, your child.”

Nigel was discouraged from becoming a teacher, but discovered it was the right fit for him. Sarah didn’t want to be an English teacher like her dad, but was hooked from the first time she stepped into the classroom. 

When you’re a student, teachers can seem remote. But, as it turns out, they share the pain of their students. Evan says the death of a child is crushing for the whole school community. Marcel tells us the difference a kind word can make to a struggling student. 

At face value, teachers instruct students. But many invest in students in ways that go far beyond the classroom – and they tremble at the impact they can have on young people’s lives. 

In this Life & Faith, we pay tribute to another class of “essential workers” during COVID: teachers.