On how sin is good news

Francis Spufford describes how the crack in our natures lets the light in.



Francis Spufford describes how the crack in our natures lets the light in.


The good news in our fallenness – to put it in Christian theological terms – is that it’s the chink through which the light gets in. That because we’re bust in some fundamental way, through the crack in our natures comes something stronger, sweeter, braver, bolder, kinder, grander than we’d be able to manage ourselves. People used to say oh happy fault, oh felix culpa, talking about Adam and Eve in the garden, and even if you’re not taking that story literally, it still holds good. The “happy fault” is that because we got broken, we also get redeemed, and Christians believe in a form of mending in which, sensationally, you end up better than you would have been had you not needed mending in the first place.