On modern heresy

Christine Caldwell Ames says that the idea of insupportable beliefs is still with us.



Christine Caldwell Ames says that the idea of insupportable beliefs is still with us.


We might see modern heretics in our society in two ways. And certainly, modern Christianity – different denominations, whether Catholic or Protestant – have their … still, their conceptions of heresy. 

I also think that it’s the case that there are certain beliefs that we do find to be generally insupportable in the modern West. Ones that we talk about; again, a rejection of diversity, for example. We now treasure diversity as a value again of the modern West, we treasure toleration as a value of the modern West. And these are things where certainly there’s a community interest in maintaining these and encouraging them. 

And so I think it’s fair to say that in different communities, one might be able to identify heresy. It’s not a religious heresy, it might be a social heresy, but it is something that seems to be, again, insupportable and something that is not to be encouraged.