Street Pastors

Showing love to the vulnerable, drunk and disorderly on the streets of Melbourne.

Showing love to the vulnerable, drunk and disorderly on the streets of Melbourne.

“I was never good around drunks. I’d rather just walk the other way, dodge around them and have nothing to do with them. Since I’ve started doing the Street Pastor walks, I’ve grown. I’ve learnt that they’re just ordinary people who have either made a mistake or have gone too far and they need help – and we’re in a position to be able to give them that help.”

Doug’s a Street Pastor in Melbourne. Most Saturday nights, he heads out with a team of volunteers to patrol Melbourne’s nightclub scene and, basically, help people who need help. They hand out bottles of water to sober people up, give thongs to those with sore feet from high heels, give blankets to the cold, help people get home safely, comfort the distraught, defuse potentially difficult situations, and protect the vulnerable.

In this episode, walk with the Street Pastors along one of Melbourne’s busiest entertainment districts, Brunswick Street, and hear more from Street Pastors coordinator Andrew Satterley, as well as the Yarra Police Inspector, about the difference the Street Pastors are making in the local community.

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