30th Mar 2021 - 4 mins
Mark Stephens reflects on Thomas Jefferson's "Bible", and what happens when you take the miraculous out of the Jesus story....
30th Mar 2021 - 4 mins
Mark Stephens reflects on Thomas Jefferson's "Bible", and what happens when you take the miraculous out of the Jesus story....
9th Mar 2021 - 1 mins
In light of Harry and Meghan's recent interview with Oprah, Mark Stephens cautions against rushing to judgement....
9th Mar 2021 - 1 mins
In light of Harry and Meghan's recent interview with Oprah, Mark Stephens cautions against rushing to judgement....
9th Feb 2021 - 1 mins
Mark Stephens on memory, being remembered, and our sense of self.
9th Feb 2021 - 1 mins
Mark Stephens on memory, being remembered, and our sense of self.
24th Dec 2020 - 3 mins
Mark Stephens on why a key part of the good news of Christmas is that Jesus was once a baby.
24th Dec 2020 - 3 mins
Mark Stephens on why a key part of the good news of Christmas is that Jesus was once a baby.
17th Dec 2020 - 31 mins
The CPX team looks back on the year that was - and a story that holds good for every year.
17th Dec 2020 - 31 mins
The CPX team looks back on the year that was - and a story that holds good for every year.
1st Dec 2020 - 0 secs
Mark Stephens is a Christmas cynic, married to the world's most Christmas-positive person. What would it take to choose joy over cynicism?...
1st Dec 2020 - 0 secs
Mark Stephens is a Christmas cynic, married to the world's most Christmas-positive person. What would it take to choose joy over cynicism?...
10th Nov 2020 - 1 mins
Mark Stephens ponders what might be behind our constant busyness and craving for distraction.
10th Nov 2020 - 1 mins
Mark Stephens ponders what might be behind our constant busyness and craving for distraction.
5th Nov 2020 - 3 mins
Mark Stephens ponders the impact of the voices of prominent Christian leaders who have turned against Donald Trump....
5th Nov 2020 - 3 mins
Mark Stephens ponders the impact of the voices of prominent Christian leaders who have turned against Donald Trump....
27th Oct 2020 - 16 mins
Mark Stephens interviews Dr Gordon Menzies about his book 'Western Fundamentalism'.
27th Oct 2020 - 16 mins
Mark Stephens interviews Dr Gordon Menzies about his book 'Western Fundamentalism'.
20th Oct 2020 - 1 mins
Mark Stephens on how the simplest stories can get behind our defences and expose ourselves to each other.
20th Oct 2020 - 1 mins
Mark Stephens on how the simplest stories can get behind our defences and expose ourselves to each other.
25th Sep 2020 - 1 mins
Mark Stephens on Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court nomination, and the challenge of translating religious language for the public....
25th Sep 2020 - 1 mins
Mark Stephens on Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court nomination, and the challenge of translating religious language for the public....
24th Sep 2020 - 31 mins
Life & Faith looks back 20 years to the Sydney Olympics and asks what was so special about those magical two weeks....
24th Sep 2020 - 31 mins
Life & Faith looks back 20 years to the Sydney Olympics and asks what was so special about those magical two weeks....